Developer Update 14th March 2016

Hi to the UpStage Community,

So semester has started at AUT once again and once again the Team has new members.

Two software developers, Keenen Leyson and Minju Park have joined UpStage team and they are very interested in contributing to developing a new UpStage .

Keenen and Minju are currently working on Project Proposal.

Existing members of the team are concentrating on renewing the plan since there are new team members, a new detailed plan

is necessary. The MVC class diagram, for the architecture of new UpStage, is being improved at the moment.

Also, roles were distributed among the team :


  • William will be in charge of managing quality assurance. He will ensure  the quality of all documents and codes for UpStage.
  • Joshua is in charge of documenting group meetings and minutes.
  • Kelvin will be handling SVN archive and UpStage group in Facebook.
  • Keenen will be our communicator and he will handle communication with Anne and
  • Minju is going to be tracking Trello board.